Tuesday 28 October 2014

Tips and Tricks Tuesday #5. How to keep organised.

I'm a sucker for pretty piece of stationery, no matter what I'll always have a notebook and pen in my bag as a must-have.

You never know when you get a sudden good idea and need to jot it down, I used to keep a lot of odd ideas on the 'notes' section of my iPhone but after then losing my phone and losing those notes I lost all faith in technology and went back to the old school paper & pen! 

For my birthday I also got an alternative to a Filofax from Paperchase and I love it! You can get the inserts etc just like a Filofax but for a lower price-tag! I've found it super convenient and because I love cute stationery so much I will always find a reason to use it! 

I would definately recommend makes lots of notes and reminders, post it notes where you always look is always a good tip.. The mirror you do your makeup in, on the kettle or the fridge, on the door to remind you before you leave. Wherever works best for you! 

And always have a form of diary! Again, the iPhone has it's app but I just feel like I have major trust issues since iCloud didn't back anything up after losing my phone, so yet again back to basics with the paper diary! 

Once in a while have a re-cap on your lists and check if it still needs to be done, if it was done.. Get the fulfilment of scribbling it off the list! The amount of times I wrote a list of products I wanted to research and purchase to try out, looked back at my list months later and thought "oh yeah, forgot about that one'l  

Lists, lists and lists! It's my heaven! It makes me super organised! Let me know if helps you too! 

Rae xo 

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