Tuesday 14 October 2014

Tips and Tricks Tuesday. #3 Most effective way to wash your hair.

I'm not here to guide you guys into a patronising step by step procedure into how to wash your hair, I do promise! 

This is just another edition of my tips and tricks that I find work great on my hair and after telling friends 'most' hair ! 

I'm now into the routine of always conditioning before shampooing! "Why?" I hear you ask.. Read below! 
I put my conditioner on first thing when I get into the shower, clip my hair up lightly and shower away, this gives the conditioner a chance to work instead of standing at the end of your shower timing 3 minutes or even worse, slapping it on and rinsing it off straight away, this way is allows the conditioner to soak into the hair for a longer length of time.

Also then following the conditioner with shampoo I find gives my hair a bit more of a boost and lift and massaging the shampoo into the scalp almost creates more volume! We love to slick back that conditioner lather it all over but this leaves the hair very flat and weighs it down a lot.

I also don't believe in shampooing twice, I think if you have a good enough shampoo and conditioner (which we all should in an ideal world) then once is enough! And also, by conditioning first we don't want to shampoo twice and strip half the magic the conditioner has worked on our lovely locks! 

I wash my hair around 2-3 times a week, some people may see this as a sin but I am also a strong believer of over washing-stripping the natural oils from your hair.. My motto- if it doesn't look like it needs washing, don't wash it!

Let me know if you too do any of these tips or might give them a go now! 

Rae xo 

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